Cùran's life
A Debian Developer's observations

15th May 2011 13:15 (GMT)
LWP::Authen::OAuth in NEW

I've uploaded liblwp-authen-oauth-perl to Debian today, [UPDATE: currently the package is waiting in NEW (please note, that the previous link might not work, in case the package has entered the archive already or the page hasn't been generated yet). and is now in the archive. Thanks a lot to the FTP Masters for the quick processing!]

LWP::Authen::OAuth allows to easily integrate OAuth authentication into Perl programs and libraries. Some of you might already guess, why I have an interest in OAuth for Perl: as a user (and maintainer) of Chronicle I'd find it neat, if there could be some Flattr integration (especially a automatic submission of new posts to Flattr). This sent me searching for an Perl implementation of the Flattr API. Unfortunately this turned up nothing, therefore I'm now planning to write some sort of Net::Flattr Perl module, which I can then use in Chronicle for one task or another.

Net::Flattr (preliminary name, but probably the final one, as the implementation of the Twitter API is called Net::Twitter) is going to be a library, which should offer the same functionality as Flattr's PHP library. For now there are some scetches to this extent on my hard drive, but nothing showable. I hope I find the time soon to write this but it shouldn't be too difficult. ;-)

Apart from my particular use case, you can use LWP::Authen::OAuth for any other OAuth-requiring API. I hope the package helps you to build more cool tools for and on your Debian system!

Permalink | debian, flattr, perl.

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