Cùran's life
A Debian Developer's observations

25th October 2011 11:17 (GMT)
Removal of sun-java6 and ElsterOnline

Reading Sylvestre Ledru's announcement, that sun-java6 was removed from the archives, I'd like to point out, that the recommended immediate purge of any binary packages built by sun-java6 should be postponed until you did have time to check, that important applications are working for you with the OpenJDK implementation.

I need to retain sun-java6-plugin until upstream bug #588 for icedtea-plugin is fixed. If you have equal requirements (using ELSTER is required by tax law for me), make sure everything works with OpenJDK/IcedTea, otherwise you need to fetch the latest shipped version from snapshot.debian.org or install something directly from Oracle.

Now, as security issues were mentioned in Sylvestre's post, I'm NOT recommending to have sun-java6-plugin running in your browser on default. Just switch the Java plugins before you really need it. For Iceweasel you can (de-)activate plugins in the add-on manager's plugin tab. Apart from that I'd recommend to not surf with any scripting or plugins active at all, NoScript! is a great way to do this conveniently.

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