Yesterday's blog entry garnered a lot of attention and some responses (in the form of e-mails, which is totally fine). Two of them deserve, as far as I'm concerend, their own little entry in the mini-series I kicked off. So, here we go:
First up was reader Sylvain "ythier" Hitier, who suggested adding
set list lcs=eol:¶,tab:»-,trail:·
to your .vimrc and making use of the :list option. The above line will highlight
tabulators, trailing whitespaces and the end of a line. And it'll allow you
to differentiate the three.
A warning though: you would want to deactivate this, in case you want to do
copy and pasting with your mouse.
[UPDATE] Sylvain just sent me a little key binding for C&P he's using to toggle the highlighting:
function CutPaste()
setlocal paste! nu! list!
map <F10> :call CutPaste()
The second really nice idea came by courtesy of Thilo Six to my attention:
" automatically delete trailing whitespace & Dos-returns {{{2
fun! <SID>MyDeleteTrailingWhitespace()
if ! &bin
let l:l = line(".")
let l:c = col(".")
silent! :%s/[\r \t]\+$//
call histdel("search", -1)
call cursor(l:l, l:c)
autocmd BufWritePre,FileWritePre * call <SID>MyDeleteTrailingWhitespace()
The above snippet will automatically delete trailing whitespace and carriage
returns as added by a lot of Windows programs.
Again a little warning: the function is executed automatically, so be sure you
have only replacements included in the regular expression you really want to
get deleted!
Thanks a lot for all the input I've received!